If you’re going to college, you have to stay single! You know it’s a place that’s packed with hot, horny girls looking for new experiences and new adventures. The stuff you do when in college, you don’t get to do again once you’re in your 30’s, married, and with a couple of kids. Nah, leave serious, monogamous relationships for later in your life. You don’t need those when you’re in college. In fact, they get in the way!
Call me a cynic, or whatever, but you really don’t want to regret wasting your youth in a monogamous relationship that will probably end, robbing you of these fantastic experiences with crazy chicks. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, get thisĀ 75% off discount to College Rules and watch what these horny college girls are capable of doing for fun! Oh, you’ll stroke passionately to these amazing visuals. Don’t miss out!