You know how your sister could be a total skank-bitch and do something deplorable to her husband, and you’d kick his ass instead of putting her in her place because… well, she is your sister? That is kind of how I feel about Andi Pink. Is it wrong? Have I misplaced some feelings somewhere along the line?
Don’t get to thinking I am some kind of sicko – you sicko! I know you have already plotted this out in your mind as some kind of Freudian web of incest. I am not saying I think of Andi as my actual sister. I am just saying if she were in an altercation I’d step in and help her as if she were my sister. Then I’d fuck her.

Andi got her start on AndiPink.com a few months before Ariel Rebel opened her own site. Back then you joined each girls site separately. Now you join one site and you get access to eighty. Yes, you read that right. EIGHTY!
I can see you working those cogs in your head again. Actually I can hear the grinding they make as they rub together. At least I hope that is the cogs. Otherwise you need a better lube with more viscosity.
You are probably thinking those 80 sites suck. You couldn’t be further from the truth. They feature girls like Kristina Fey and Katie Fey that got the whole network of sites started. There are dozens of solo models and dozens of multi-model sites where the solo models originally made a name for themselves.
Oh… Before it scrolls off of your screen. Check out that camel toe on Andi with her pink panties. I love her pussy!

Andi Pink has what you would call a cleft of Venus. A pussy with enough fluff in the outer lips to hide the inner lips. Very sexy if you ask me. I also enjoy her little breasts. They are so buoyant they don’t need a bra.

I her latest videos Andi gets more and more R rated. In the beginning none of the girls do much other than pose. Now they are getting a bit more raw. They actually masturbate to orgasm instead of simulating like they are masturbating. When they do videos together they actual lick each others pussies now.

Hey! Do you want to know a fun little fact about the universe? The definition of insanity is not wanting to have Andi plant that beautiful pussy of hers right on your face. It’s true!
Get your own AndiPink.com password and see what kind of trouble you can get in to.